Saturday 3 September 2011

It's That Time of Year Again

Dear Mr. British House Spider,
GO. AWAY. Do you really have to creep into our living room to look for a mate? I mean, c'mon. Does our house look like a place for hunka hunka burnin' arachnid love? Well let me tell you something, I'm going to put a serious dent in your love life tonight, mister. And your head! 
The male house spider comes out in early September to look for a mate.
Don't sit still on that carpet and stare at me! Stop it! STOP. IT. Damn you and your long, hairy legs! Now let me think...if I stomp on you that'll be one big mess on the carpet. But if I grab you with a tissue I'll feel you though the tissue, ew, ew, ew, EW! If I... 
Hey! Come back here!! Where are you...dammit, get out from under that sofa!! Grrrrrrr...<pulls sofa away from wall.> Ahh, there you are. <Runs and gets vacuum cleaner.> 
<Turns vacuum on> Right! Now then...hey, where'd you go?? <Looks around, panic-stricken> DAMMIT! 
<Turns off vacuum and steps gingerly around the living room.> 
<Slowly looks up.>
<Runs out of the room as Mr. Spider jumps off the wall and scuttles across the floor.>
Hubby: What the hell is all that racket? 
Me: <Innocently> Ohhh nothing. Um, I'm going upstairs. The living room's all yours, honey! 


  1. Hahahaha! We had a decent sized spider in our living room the other day. My dad chased it around with a shoe and scared the dogs.

  2. Isn't it funny how they can scare the living daylights out of us, when we're bigger than they are!

  3. LOL that spider looks a bit skinny compared to some of the big scary, hairy ones we get in Australia, although I am scared of a spider no matter what the size

  4. Australia has spiders the size of a small country! I would never survive there!
